Fun, forward thinking, colourful, engaging, exciting and informative…

All words that you think of when you think of Human Resources and Policies, right? No?! Well, we are here to change that.

Employees deserve to be informed about the terms of business on which they are employed. Boring documents = no engagement. No engagement = less productivity, free thinking, innovation, sharing of ideas. 

Wonderfully written and carefully thought out documents = employees that know that you care from Day 0. Employees who know you care = a team that will be engaged, work hard, have fun and commit to your Company.

Is it all about the employees though?

Nope! Far from it. Companies deserve to set out clear guidance, rules and frameworks within which they expect all their employees to work.

If the worst happens and you have to manage someone out of your business or (hopefully not) a Tribunal claim is lodged against you; you WILL need handbooks and policies. 

But these documents don't have to be dry, dull and full of legal jargon. Most policies are boring; multiple pages in word or PDF, with nothing that links them to the style and feel of your business. 

What is the Solution? Click below to find out....

The Solution?

Clue.. It is us!

We took the problem statement and ripped it into little shreds, then we shredded those shreds, then we burnt those shreds and then we buried them in the garden. THAT is how serious we are about solutions. 

We created handbooks and policies that are human. They talk to you like a proper human would. They have jokes (we think they are funny anyway). They have colloquial language. They have informal tones [when appropriate]. They have images and points of interest. They are Policies with Personality. 

They are not copy and paste, and they are yours – for as long as you need them.

By incorporating personality into HR policies, you will create a more positive, engaging, and productive work environment. You might even see those engagement scores increase!

With over 15 years in Human Resources and lead by someone with a law degree and diploma, you can expect accurate and compliant documents, that are designed and written in the style of your business.